Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu, India
1st – 14th of February 2023
Yoga, Meditation & Ayurveda Retreat
Go deep into the practical, philosophical and theoretical experience of Yoga, Meditation and Ayurveda and get familiar with Vedic astrology, ancient rituals and various spiritual practices. We work with self-analysis and group reflection guided by Govind and other spiritual masters. We get time to feel at home in the unique spiritual atmosphere around the holy mountain Arunachala in the blueprints of Ramana Maharshi and other saints.
PRICE: 14140 Dkk (/1900 EUR / 19950 SEK)

Happy Guests
The biggest reward for me in this retreat is that I gained confident in my own spiritual practice. Anna Marie and Govind, You love your spiritual practice – and I open my heart and gain confidence in you in yoga and in meditation.
Being thought yoga, pranayama and meditation the traditional yogic way, and the opportunity to meet and have satsang with authentic Yogis, Swamis and Vedic priest is a rare luxury. A gold mine for spiritual seekers.
The spiritual atmosphere of the mountain of Arunachala was definitely the biggest experience for me. Arunachala is a great place to be, one of the finest and most spiritual places in India. It has a special atmosphere that promotes mindfulness.