
Awakening Awareness of Humanity

I have devoted my life to helping society by awakening the humanity in each human being. Earlier, I helped thousands of people in India on a donation basis but my life as a family father living in Denmark does not allow me to donate help on such a large scale.

I do my best to awaken humanity and spirituality by collaborating with yoga studios around the world offering workshops and individual therapy sessions, where I can guide people personally in one-on-one sessions.

Body, Mind, and Soul

The number of people experiencing psychological problems is increasing rapidly around the world, and the conventional health care system is not able to support them properly because it does not allow a holistic approach coupling the wellbeing of body, mind and soul.

Donate to Pay It Forward

The aim of my work is to share the important lessons that are not taught in schools. The question guiding my mission is how to uplift the spirituality inside of you and spread awareness of life, health and true wellbeing?

Many of the people struggling with severe psychological problems may not have the financial means to pay for an individual session, but my heart cries out with a strong wish to work with them all the same. Your donation helps me to help others in need: each amount donated to Santhi Yoga enables me to help people who cannot pay for the support and guidance they come to me to get.

Online Guidance for All

I dedicate much time to offering spiritual teaching for free via live meditation and Satsang as well as live yoga classes with ensuing Q&A sessions.

Tool for the Universe

It is a deep call for me to work as a tool for the universe and teach spirituality on a full-time basis. Your donation is about paying it forward on a communal level: your help allows me to help others. There is no fixed amount for the suggested donations: all contributions are necessary, and all amounts will be spent directly on paying for therapy sessions/guidance or courses free of charge for people in need.

Your donation is what helps me to continue the work I was put on this Earth to do. I deeply appreciate it.

 Govind Radhakrishnan, Santhi yoga

Account no. 9070 1639749998

IBAN. DK6790701639749998

You can donate via the link below or via MobilePay: 52678853 . You can also support monthly & Yearly.