Santhi Yoga

“Happiness is your nature. It is not
wrong to desire it. What is wrong is seeking it outside when it is inside.”
– Ramana Maharshi

Santhi Yoga

“Happiness is your nature. It is not
wrong to desire it. What is wrong is seeking it outside when it is inside.”
– Ramana Maharshi

Santhi Yoga

“Happiness is your nature. It is not
wrong to desire it. What is wrong is seeking it outside when it is inside.”
– Ramana Maharshi



Individual Sessions


Upcoming activities

march, 2025

27feb(feb 27)19:0013mar(mar 13)20:30A deep yogic journey throughout 2025: Ten months online course with Govind - March to December(february 27) 19:00 - (march 13) 20:30 Central European Time Santhi Yoga Shala, Kalundborgvej 18, Herning, 7400. DenmarkType:Course,Lecture,Online course,Online satsang,Satsang,Yoga & Meditation

28marAll DayIndividual Consultations - March 28 - Copenhagen(All Day: friday) CopenhagenType:Individual Sessions,Workshop

29marAll DayWorkshop in YogaDevi - March 29 - Stockholm, Sweden(All Day: saturday) Yoga Devi, Fridhemsplan, Pontonjärgatan 36Type:Individual Sessions,Meditation,Satsang,Workshop,Yoga & Meditation

Talks and tastes of Govind

Article: Avoid the Dehli Belly

Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu, India

Dates for retreats Winter 2020/2021 are

coming soon!

Yoga, Meditation & Satsang days

Begin the New Year by diving deep within and enjoying the unique spiritual energy in the ancient pilgrimage place of Arunachala. During the 7 days, you will have your daily programme with the group from morning till noon. After this, the day is yours and the options are many in the spiritual centre of the “ashram area”.

PRICE: Coming soon!

Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu, India

Dates for retreats Winter 2020/2021 are

coming soon!

Yoga, Meditation & Satsang days

Begin the New Year by diving deep within and enjoying the unique spiritual energy in the ancient pilgrimage place of Arunachala. During the 7 days, you will have your daily programme with the group from morning till noon. After this, the day is yours and the options are many in the spiritual centre of the “ashram area”.

PRICE: Coming soon!