Santhi Yoga

“Happiness is your nature. It is not
wrong to desire it. What is wrong is seeking it outside when it is inside.”
– Ramana Maharshi

“Real meditation is actually not something you teach. It is something that happens.

It’s depth, effect and wisdom is impossible to describe with words. But the results is always visible

and even the slightest effort to make the mind calm is rewarded”
– Govind Radhakrishnan

“Everything in the world was my Guru.”
― Ramana Maharshi

“Real meditation is actually not something you teach. It is something that happens. It’s depth, effect and wisdom is impossible
to describe with words. But the results is always visible and even the slightest effort to make the mind calm is rewarded”

Govind Radhakrishnan





Upcoming Events
Govind in Sweden

Yoga for the Busy Mind

Online course  by Santhi Yoga

Santhi Yoga offers a six-week online course for all who are just a little bit too busy. With this course, Govind will teach how it doesn’t have to take a huge effort to regain balance in a busy and stressful everyday life.


Talks and tastes of Govind

Upcoming activities

february, 2025

25feb(feb 25)16:3012mar(mar 12)19:00Holistic Spiritual Healing course 2025- (March - December) -Herning, Dk.16:30 - (march 12) 19:00 Central European TIme Santhi Yoga Shala, Kalundborgvej 18, Herning, 7400. DenmarkType:Course,Lecture,Meditation,Satsang,Workshop,Yoga & Meditation

25feb(feb 25)19:3011mar(mar 11)21:00Meditation for all - (March - June) - Herning, Dk19:30 - (march 11) 21:00 Santhi Yoga Shala, Kalundborgvej 18, Herning, 7400. DenmarkType:Course,Lecture,Meditation,Online course,Yoga & Meditation

26feb(feb 26)6:3012mar(mar 12)7:30Morning yoga & meditation class - (March - June) - Herning, Dk6:30 - (march 12) 7:30 Santhi Yoga Shala, Kalundborgvej 18, Herning, 7400. DenmarkType:Course,Meditation,Satsang,Workshop,Yoga & Meditation

Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu, India

Retreats in India in January & February 2023:

Yoga, Meditation & Ayurveda Retreat

Go deep into practical, philosophical and theoretical experience of Yoga, Meditation and Ayurveda and experience India’s deep spiritual vibrations near the holy Mountain Aruanchala. 


Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu, India

Govind will be in Tiruvannamalai in December, January & February 2023

Yoga, Meditation & Satsang Days

In you plan to be in Tiruvannamalai during the Winther 2022 you are welcome to join in when Govind keeps Open Satsangs in Tiruvannamalai.

Keep an eye in our calendar to see the dates – or send a mail to enquire more.